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We bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams in the greater Seattle area, so our children and grandchildren can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon.

2025 Fly Fishing Film Tour

The Three Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited is excited to host the 2025 F3T Fly Fishing Film Festival on March 16 at the North Bend Theater, beginning at 3pm. The festival will features 18 short films featuring fishing adventures throughout the world. The film starts at 3P so come early. We will be offering a free raffle for $1,000 with of swag and additional raffles to benefit the chapters work in the watershed. This event has always been a great time and we are stoked to bring it back this year. Tickets are $20 online and $25 day of at the door. Purchase tickets at - FT3

Kokanee Fry Trapping

Kokanee Fry Trapping season is approaching! Counting Kokanee fry in their natal streams before they enter Lake Sammamish is one of our chapter’s most important projects and requires significant help from volunteers. To learn more about this project and how to volunteer, go to Kokanee Fry Trapping

Monthly Events