Summer Youth Camp
Flycasting Instruction

Fishing for bluegills!

Trout Unlimited encourages young people to become engaged in conservation and fishing programs.  Our chapter supports this through involvement in numerous related activities that take place throughout the year in the Three Rivers geographical area.  As an example, in the summer, some members of our chapter provide fly casting and fishing instruction for young people enrolled in a summer camp program run by Compass Outdoor Adventures, located in North Bend, WA. 

On one day of the four day summer camp program, we provide instruction in basic fly casting skills for about 12 youngsters.  First, Bruce Tyson, our leader of this project, talks about how fly casting is different from other types of casting, talks about fly fishing equipment and demonstrates some basic techniques. 

Next, each youngster is given a fly rod and works with one of our chapter members to develop some basic skills about how to handle a fly rod while casting a small piece of yarn on a nearby grassy field.   Some youngsters  are more successful than others, but, within a half-hour of so, most begin to get the feel of casting.

The Instructors!

Adjacent to the practice area, there is a small pond that we have stocked with bluegill fish.  So, the piece of yarn is replaced with a fly and the young budding fishermen can apply their newly acquired skills to attempt to catch a fish.  Catching a bluegill is normally difficult, but, occasionally, one gets caught and a happy fisherman is created.

Regardless whether fish are caught or not, the youngsters have a good time.  We chapter members have a good time too and hope that we have begun to instill a love of fishing in our young students.